Wednesday, August 22, 2012

reading response 1

This reading basically starts out as a time line starting at the beginning with the printing press and ending with the media we have today. Through out the reading it discusses how each type of media works and how it lead into the next. It also provides information about what was going to come next or what they thought would follow each type of media. this reading not only gives the information but it give you dates and people to associate with each media.

The reading was way over my head at some point but for the most part i enjoyed reading it i actually gained a lot from it. I know that the computers and inter webs had to start somewhere but i never really thought about how the printing press was involved or how it was pretty much one of the first ways of typing. I never thought about what all goes on behind the scenes in computer technology  there but after reading this there is so much more to it then i can even imagine. In my mind a lap top is simple a metal rectangle box thing with a screen but the way you can connect to internet and or work on so many different things is amazing because it all involves codes upon codes.

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